

北洋智算论坛 | Robust Tensor Completion and its Applications

2019年07月05日 09:44

Robust Tensor Completion and its Applications
Michael Ng is the Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Mathematics, and Chair Professor of Department of Computer Science at the Hong Kong Baptist University. He obtained his B.Sc. degree in 1990 and M.Phil. degree in 1992 at the University of Hong Kong, and Ph.D. degree in 1995 at Chinese University of Hong Kong. At 2017, Michael obtained Feng Kang Prize for his significant contributions in numerical linear algebra for solving structured linear systems, mathematical and computational methods in image processing. At 2014, Michael obtained Hong Kong Baptist University President's Awards for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work. Michael won the Honourable Mention of Householder Award IX , in 1996 at Switzerland, an excellent young researcher's presentation at Nanjing International Conference on Optimization and Numerical Algebra, 1999, and the Outstanding Young Researcher Award of the University of Hong Kong, 2001. Michael was the plenary speaker of SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, 2009. He is the first Chinese to be plenary speaker of SIAM LA since 1985.
In this talk, we report the results of robust tensor completion using tubal singular value decomposition, and its applications. Several applications and theoretical results are discussed. Numerical examples are also presented for demonstration.




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